Brendar Environmental is capable of handling a wide array of materials on your behalf. Here is a generic "common sense" listing of most of these materials.
- Acids
- Adhesives/Glues
- Aerosol Cans
- Antifreeze
- Ballasts/ PCB containing materials
- Bases
- Batteries (Household, Dry Cells, Wet Acid)
- Compressed Gases (Oxygen, Acetylene, Nitrogen)
- Fluorescent Lamps
- Fuels/Fuel Contaminated Materials
- Household Chemicals
- Lab Packs of Compatibles Chemicals
- Liquid Wastes – Inert Sludges
- Metal Finishing Waste
- Obsolete Chemicals found during plant clean-ups/closures
- Oxidizers
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pesticides
- Propane
- Oil/Oil Contaminated Materials
- Paints and Stains – oil based, latex and specialty
- Raw Materials – varies by industry
- Resins
- Solvents (paint or spray gun clean up solvent)
This is not an exhaustive list however it is intended to provide a general overview of the broad range of materials we can handle on your behalf.